Make the good stuff
10 Foods to Support your Immune System

While no single food or diet can prevent illness, healthy eating and proper nutrition can help power up your immunity. For a list of nutrient-packed foods to keep in your pantry and fridge, continue reading!
Cultivated for centuries for their taste and nutritional value, mushrooms are rich in vitamin B, and vitamin D. Mushrooms also contain anti-viral properties, which may help protect against a variety of infections. Their texture and earthy flavour also make them a tasty substitute for meat.
Looking for mushroom recipes? Try these at home:
Mushroom and Pumpkin Leaf Ramen
Big Black Mushrooms Filled with Quinoa
Leafy greens:
Greens like spinach, pumpkin leaves and beetroot leaves help support a strong immune system and are loaded with Vitamin A, Vitamin K and digestion-regulating fibre. For a simple way to sneak in more Future 50 Foods greens into your diet, try adding them into your stews, juices or smoothies.
Try our spinach recipe at home:
Spinach and Corn Fritters
Beans and lentils (pulses and legumes):
Not only will they help keep you full and stretch any meal, beans and pulses are also packed with healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates to help you maintain good energy levels. In addition to being full of fibre, earthy legumes also contain zinc! For a meatless meal, you and your family will love, try swapping out the mince or beef in your favourite bolognaise or stew for beans or lentils instead.
Looking for bean/ lentil recipes? Try these at home:
Spaghetti Bolognaise with Red Kidney Beans and Baby Spinach
Spicy Lentil Stuffed Butternut
Lentil and Pea Curry with Wild Rice
Tomatoes are an excellent immunity bolstering ingredient thanks to their high concentration of Vitamin C and folate.
Try this tomato recipe at home:
Rigatoni with Roasted Tomato and Pumpkin Leaf Sauce
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress and Brussels sprouts) are loaded with a wide array of vitamins, minerals, fibre and other bioactive compounds.
Try this broccoli recipe at home:
Spicy Broccoli and Mung Bean Curry
Future 50 Foods wholegrains such as millet, wild rice and quinoa contain anti-inflammatory properties which allow for an increase of production of healthy bacteria. According to a study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, good wholegrain carbohydrates also help maintain healthy energy levels and control blood sugar levels.
Looking to cook with wholegrains? Try these wholegrain recipes at home:
Bulgur Wheat, Quinoa and Barley with Baby Marrows
Cauliflower Millet Nuggets with Sweet 'n Sour Sauce
This spice adds more than just vibrant colour to your meals; it also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin which, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Immunology, helps activate the production of T-cells. These main cells support the health of your immune system.
Try this turmeric recipe at home:
Turmeric, Lentil and Spinach Soup
Sweet potatoes:
Sweet potatoes not only contain Vitamin C but other essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, E and manganese.
Try our sweet potato recipe at home:
Baked Sweet Potato with Three Cheese Sauce and Spinach
Bell peppers:
Nutrient-dense bell peppers are not only colourful but also a great source of Vitamin C.
Try our bell pepper recipe at home:
Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
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