How To Make Monate Mopane Worms

Start Your Day the Vegan Way: Delicious Vegan Breakfast Ideas
Mopane worms, or masonja to the ones in the know, are large edible caterpillars that feed mostly on the mopane tree leaves, hence their name. They are mainly found in the warmer, southern parts of Africa where they have long been considered a delicacy in countries like Limpopo, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana, and they’re definitely an Mzansi favourite too.
Usually masonja are found in marketplaces, dried or grilled, street food style by uMamzo in a container or ekhoneni.
They are a quick and delicious snack but they’re not to be undermined because nutritionally speaking, they are the real makoya since they’re high in protein, iron and calcium. As if they weren’t working hard enough, masonja are also out here doing the most for abazali with ushugela ne high high, by improving blood sugar levels and even helping to reduce umkhaba.
#Unbelievableflavour to make your masonja monate
Now that we know masonja are the real MVP, the question on everybody’s lips is “How do you make monate mopane worms?” and the answer is simple: any way you want! You don’t have to buy monate mopane worms on the side of the road anymore when you can create your own recipes with flavours you really love from ikhishi lakho. If stew is your spillion, replace the protein you would have used with masonja and finish the dish off with a sprinkle of Aromat Naturally Tasty to really bring out some monate flavour.
If ishisa inyama yizinto zakho, you can impress both the grootmans and the Ice boys by adding braai’d masonja to your repertoire. This thing ilula, you can simply place the mopane worms kumlilo. And if you’re wondering how to spice up mopane worms, you can increase the volume on their flavour when you add some Aromat Chilli Beef for an unbelievable taste. Once you serve these, nguwe uCIC we monate mopane worms! Remember, for the perfect monate masonja, you must clean the mopane worms properly before cooking.
And if uyasaba when it comes to experimenting too much ekhishini, just keep it simple with the always mnandi masonja and pap! By adding a few shakes of Aromat Original or Aromat Cheese to the pap, you can bring it to life with some #unbelievableflavour! And in case you were worried about running out of the feel-good flavour, don’t stress mntase because Aromat Original is available in refill packs so you’ll never miss out on the monate flavour.
When you add your choice of Aromat in your isishebo with masonja, you’ll have a taste so good that umndeni will be Whatsapping you for the recipe as soon as they leave! Kahle, kahle, #AromatNeGawulo should never be apart, so do the smart thing mntase and stock up on the #unbelievableflavour.
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